Transportation – Area Bus Service

The Summer Camp bus service is not a "door-to-door" service. Area transportation is provided and the exact routes are determined by the actual needs as well as the numbers of participants.

Below you will find BASIC & TENTATIVE itineraries (subject to change); other areas may be added. The exact itinerary, cost, pick up and drop off time will be determined before the start of the Summer Camp based on actual demand.

  • BUS 1: Platia Glifadas, "Sweet home" - Faliro, Singrou Avenue, Hilton, AB Psychico, Ethnikis Antistaseos - Halandri, Papanikoli Street
  • BUS 2: Narkissos, Thisseos Avenue, Harilaou Trikoupi Avenue, Plateia Politias, Melisia, Pentelis Str.

Transportation request deadline: requests must be submitted until until Friday, June 13 for all Summer Camp weeks. Following this deadline, all requests will be considered pending on seats and route availability.

Extension/Renewal: While every effort will be made to accommodate requests after the start of summer camp, extension of participation in the Summer Camp for a second or third week does not automatically ensure transportation availability.

FOR MORE INFORMATION (exact routes and cost) please contact directly the Transportation office; Mr. Marios Nikolis (, tel. 210 6070 239.