All you need to know about Summer Camp

Duration of camp:

(9.00- 15.30)

Week 1: Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27

Week 2: Monday, June 30 - Friday, July 4

Dietary /Medical: Parents must submit any medical needs during the application process. Medical needs include allergies and/or special dietary needs. For any clarification please contact directly the Health Office (, tel. 210 6070 217). 

Snacks / Lunch: Snack and lunch is provided. A sample weekly menu is available on-site. If you wish to supplement the menu, feel free to do so. Additional food items will also be available for purchase. Water fountains are available to refill water bottles.

Attendance: Attendance is taken every day in the morning as the children enter the school (in their respective age groups). 

  • If your child cannot attend for whatever reason, please inform us as soon as possible via email at or via phone directly at 210 6070 289 & 210 6070 294.
  • If a child arrives after 9.00am he/she must first report to the Summer Camp Office before joining his/her activity.
  • If your child is not feeling well (low or high fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) please do NOT send them to camp.

Activities Change Policy for Kiddos/Juniors/ Teens: Parents may change their childrens’ schedule online, pending on availability until the following deadline: 

  • For Week 1, starting Monday June 23 the last changes permitted are by Friday June 13, 2025, 12.00 noon.
  • For Week 2, starting Monday June 30 the last changes permitted are by Friday June 20, 2025, 12.00 noon.

After the above deadlines no changes are allowed and any request must be submitted in person at the Summer Camp office.

ACS Athens retains the right to modify activities due to severe weather conditions.  In addition, certain activities may be canceled if there aren’t enough participants registered.

Refund Policy: Cancellation by May 30: A refund is possible excluding a non-refundable fee of 100 Euros per registration.

Cancellation after May 30: No refund is possible. Refunds will only be issued in case of a severe injury, accident, or hospitalization. A written refund request must be accompanied by a doctor’s note. 

Lost & Found Policy: Valuables (including money, cell phones,digital watches etc)  should not be brought in school. The ACS Athens Summer Camp is not responsible for any lost items.

Lost and found boxes are located at the Summer Camp office and the Swimming pool and contain all the items that are found at the end of each day. At the end of Summer Camp, unclaimed items will be sent to charities.

Cell Phone Policy: No Cell Phone Policy at All Times. Cell phones and/or other electronic devices should not be brought to camp.If students bring their phones to school, they must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All phones must be turned off during the camp day and stored in their bags, (not pocket). Students will not be allowed to use their phones at any time during the camp day, including during snack, lunch, bathroom breaks, and recess.
  • Smart watches may only be used if disconnected from their cell phones and appropriate for school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
  • If a student needs to contact home, they can do so from the Summer Camp office.
  • In case of a family emergency, parents can contact the Summer Camp office, and we will ensure the student receives the message promptly.

Student cooperation is expected, and any disruptions will be addressed according to our ACS Student Code of Conduct.

  • 1st Infraction–Loss of mobile phone for the day. The student may pick up their phone at the end of the camp day.
  • 2nd Infraction–Loss of mobile phone for the day. The student’s parent/guardian will be informed.

The consequences above represent a guideline. The school administration has the right to apply logical consequences at its discretion.

Photography, Video: While on the ACS Athens campus, students may not record video and/or sound, take photos, and/or post to the Internet (i.e. social media, blogs, podcasts, videocasts, and other channels) since it is unlawful to do so. 
In case of infraction; the student will be asked to immediately delete all digital material and the parents will be immediately notified to discuss possible removal from Summer Camp.

Welcome kit Pick up: Parents may come by the Summer Camp Office from Monday, June 10 to Saturday, June 15 from 8.30 to 17.00 to receive the Welcome Kit including the child’s Name Tag, Schedule, the departure Pick Up card and other camp material and information.

Items needed for camp:

  • Name tags must be worn at all times;
  • Hat-sunscreen-water bottle; important for all outdoor activities;
  • Swimming suit, swimming cap, swimming goggles, towel, flip-flops for swimming activities;
  • An extra T-shirt or set of clothes is recommended for Messy Play and Early Childhood;
  • Tennis racket, if available. The school has a limited number of tennis rackets.

Please mark all personal items with the name of the child.

Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Departure:

We kindly ask all parents to adhere to the following protocol for our children’s safety and the smooth operation of the Summer Camp.

  • Morning Arrival-Drop off:
    Students should be brought to school between 8:30- 9:00 AM. Students can be dropped off by car at the entrance on Kazantzaki Str. and immediately exit by the Frixou Str. exit. Parents are not allowed to enter the Campus except at departure time and only in the designated areas.
  • Afternoon Departure:
    Parents are allowed to enter the school at 15.30. Upon entering the school please proceed to the designated areas where you children will be waiting for you (pick up points).Entrance to the school is only allowed by showing your "Pick Up Pass".
    A "Pick Up Pass" will be issued per family; this card must be presented in order to enter the campus at departure time and leave with your child.
    It is your responsibility to have your "Pick Up Pass" with you and show it at all check-points in order to avoid delays and unnecessary verification.

Limited parking spaces will be open and available from 3.00pm.

  • If you do not have the "Pick Up Pass", entrance into the campus will NOT be allowed. You will be asked to wait until all children have left and then we can verify the information provided in your registration form and confirm your ID.
  • If somebody else is picking up your children, please make sure they have the "Pick up Pass".

If you use the Summer Camp Transportation service; If at any given moment you need to pick up your child yourself, you must inform IN WRITING by 10.00am BOTH the transportation office and the Summer Camp Office:, and show your “Pick Up Pass” as per the departure procedure.

Pick Up Points in campus for Departure

  • Early Childhood children (JK/KG) will be picked up from their respective classrooms.
  • Lower Primary (entering GR 1 in September) and Upper Primary (entering GR 2 in September) will be waiting at the front outdoor amphitheater.
  • Kiddos/Juniors/ Teens will be waiting at front court tables.

For any questions please contact the Summer Camp Office;, tel. 210 6070 289 and 2106070 294.