ACS Athens students have been participating in The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) since 1982 and have maintained a strong presence for over 40 years now. The THIMUN conference is a four-day simulation of the United Nations for secondary school students, which takes place at the end of January each year in the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague.

The event attracts schools from all over the world. This year, over 3000 students from 100 different countries attended THIMUN.

The 2023 theme of The Hague Model United Nations Conference was The Future of Borders, and our team represented Mauritius and Amnesty International.  

There are numerous substantial benefits to attending THIMUN, such as students from diverse backgrounds and experiences having the opportunity to exchange ideas and the chance to hone their communication and critical thinking skills.

Here are a few takeaways some of our student delegates shared:

"The takeaway I had is about the importance of collaboration and the spirit of cooperation".

Matson Holmgren

"Borders are more than just physical dividers between countries. Borders exist in culture, traditions, and the environment around us. While learning deeper about borders, many important skills were found along the way, such as leadership, cooperation, and social skills."

Josie Neel