As part of their curriculum in IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS), senior students engaged in a thought-provoking debate on the pressing issue of Climate Change. As soon as the bell rang, the classroom transformed into a hub of energy as teams prepared their arguments, each student embodying the principles of the International Baccalaureate program – thinkers, communicators, and risk-takers. Facilitated by their teacher, Dr. Prodromidi, the debate unfolded with passion and intensity, exploring the complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic (human) causes of Climate Change, which leads to global warming of the planet.

Arguments ranged from the science behind climate change to the ethical responsibilities of individuals and governments. Students drew on interdisciplinary knowledge gained throughout the course, integrating concepts from biology, geography, economics, and ethics. The debate was not just an intellectual exercise; it was a transformative experience that encouraged critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving. As the debate concluded, the students exited the classroom not only with a holistic appreciation of the causes of Climate Change but with a sense of responsibility, inspiring the next generation of leaders and environmental stewards to actively contribute to a sustainable future.