The ACS Athens Academy kicked off the second semester with fun and excitement, hosting ACS Athens Class Clash, a rendition of the beloved American game show Family Feud. However, instead of fostering division, the aim was to foster unity among students, rallying them to support their respective grade levels.
Academy students were surveyed, and their responses became the basis for the game show's categories: What brings you the most joy as an ACS Athens student? What's the top reason for dodging homework? Preferred methods of exercise? And the ubiquitous emoji that lights up students' screens daily.
According to Dr. Nelson, "The idea for the game show sprang from our student council leaders, who brainstormed ways to enhance school spirit and forge stronger bonds among students."
Dr. Nelson further emphasized, "We're always looking for new ways to build belonging and to connect students with their friends and to their school. This was a fun way to celebrate the 1st semester, the end of the exams, and the start of a new learning experience with semester 2."
In the thrilling showdown, the 9th graders came out on top, squaring off against the formidable opponents: the teachers. After four exhilarating rounds of questions, the teachers clinched victory in the first-ever game show spectacular