Whalen, Jay, Faculty, 4th Grade

Mr. Whalen holds a degree in audio engineering from Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida, as well as a BA in Interdisciplinary Education, specializing in Kindergarten through Grade 8, from Western Governors University in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mr. Whalen has teaching experience in First and Fourth Grade classrooms in Michigan, working particularly closely with the school's special education program. During this time, he attended the MCTM Teachers of Mathematics conference, focusing on math instruction at the elementary school level. Mr. Whalen has also spent time as a volunteer teacher at Hestia Hellas, in Athens, Greece. While at Hestia, he was part of a team that taught English and mathematics skills to children from the ages of six to twelve. Prior to teaching, Mr. Whalen lived in New York City for twenty years, working as an audio engineer and studio manager at several of the city's premier music recording facilities.
email: whalenc@acs.gr