Mamas, Charalambos, Elementary School Assistant Principal

Mr. Babis Mamas holds a BSc (Honors) in Sports Science & Physical Education from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, an MBA from The Open University Business School (UK), and currently undertaking an MA in Education Leadership from the Open University (UK).
Babis has always been passionate about sports and the fields of education and management. He started his teaching career as a Physical Education teacher in Greek public schools, but after a few years, he was mesmerized by the business industry and changed directions. Sports have always been Mr. Mamas' passion, and alongside working and studying, he competed at the U18 and U21 Greek Track & Field team for Long and Triple Jump, and at a later age, he was introduced to Volleyball. Volleyball also turned into a career as he coached professionally at teams in Athens (Panathinaikos, Panionios) and later in the UK.
Moving into the UK turned to be a life-changing experience as Mr. Mamas discovered the fantastic world of International Schools and the plethora of administration roles that can combine education and management/leadership with the addition of sports at a high level. He quickly climbed the ranks to a position of leadership that included all the elements that synthesize a dream job for him and found particular interest in Pastoral Care. Mr. Mamas initiated significant projects that transformed and enhanced the school's co-curricular provision while being a board member in the school's Health & Safety, Safeguarding, and Academic Strategy teams. As part of the training required for his role, Mr. Mamas acquired Level 2 qualifications in the following fields:
Health & Safety in Education, Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People, Keep Children Safe In Education (KCSIE) framework from the UK Department of Education and Child Protection in International Schools.
Mr. Mamas is very excited about being part of ACS Athens' vibrant community.