Hatziagelides, Eugenia, Academic Lab Advisor

Ms. Eugenia Hatziagelides received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Central Connecticut State University in 1990 and a Master's of Science in Counselor Education from Central Connecticut State University in 1993. During her studies, Ms. Hatziagelides also did extensive volunteer work in shelters for women and their children.
She worked as a Guidance Counselor from 1994 to 1997 at Lyman Memorial High School in Lebanon, CT before moving back to Greece in August of 1997 and worked at the Paidagogiko Institute as a consultant. Ms. Hatziagelides was then hired at Moraitis School and worked as a School Counselor from 1998 to 2017. This will be her seventh year at ACS Athens. During the first two years, Ms. Hatziagelides worked as a Academy Counseling Specialist and during the third year she taught the upper academy Advisory class. During her fourth, fifth and sixth year, Ms. Hatziagelides lead the Academic Lab as the Advisor. She assisted students in completing their academic responsibilities by monitoring their attendance, keeping them on task, directing them to the appropriate resources when needed and following up on the appropriate use of those resources. This year Ms. Hatziagelides will continue leading the Academic Lab and the Study Hall for Juniors and Seniors.
email: hatziagelidese@acs.gr