Middle School Counseling
The Middle School counselor is responsible for working with all students individually and in group settings to help them succeed at the Middle School level. If a student has a challenge, or feels uncertain about some aspect of the Middle School that teachers cannot resolve, the counselor may be consulted. In addition, The Middle School Counselor invites students and parents to discuss educational concerns, scheduling and testing, follows up on progress reports, quarter and semester reports, and students who are ineligible for co-curricular activities due to their grades or on probation. Students may make appointments with the Center for Student Success Administrative Assistant for an appropriate time. Parents may telephone 210639-3200, extension 226 to arrange for conferences.
Examples of programs running through the Counseling office include:
- Different teacher for every subject - Each student has eight separate classes with a different teacher in each class, or block.
- 65-minute class blocks - Five classes are taught a day in a rotating schedule, with the increased time allowing for more intensive discussions and focused class work. Classes number from 1 to 8, with each class/subject meeting 3 times a week.
- Lockers - Students having their own personal storage area that helps them become more organized by arranging their books, supplies and schoolwork.
- Tardies - Students are expected to be in class and ready to work before the bell rings. The breaks in between blocks allow plenty of time for students to go to their locker, briefly socialize, and be on time to each class.
- Homework - Middle School students will face a larger workload for both Homework and Class work in comparison to the Elementary School. The average time should be expected to be anywhere from 1-2 hours.
- Sports, Activities, Dances - Extra-curricular life is an important part of the Middle School years. To help them develop both socially and physically, please encourage your child to participate in many extra-curricular school activities.
To assist students during these changes in their lives, counselors are available and aim to provide support, guidance and care to all new students entering our learning community. Examples of programs run through the counseling office include:
New Student Buddy Program, Salutation Program, Individual Student Sessions, Teacher and Parent Sessions, and Step Up Day, Weekly Advisory Session classes during our Wednesday X-block sessions.